Monday, August 3, 2009

First Day Already

Is it possible that my girls started school already? Where did summer go? Did it wither away like a Gerbera in the desert sun?

Today was a big morning as D and Z started at a new school. The morning was ripe with promise and bursting with excitement as they donned their new uniforms, combed their locks, tied their new shoes and mounted their backpacks.

Someone clearly needs to take a few hair-cutting lessons. I won't mention any names, starts with a B and ends with a Y. Goodness, I'm glad that bangs just keep on growing...

When I picked up the girls this afternoon, both of them were thrilled with their new teachers, classes and school. When I asked them how their day went, they both responded with a resounding "GREAT!" which made me slightly teary with happiness. This year is going to be a good one. I can feel it in my bones.


Becky said...

So, so, soooo glad that it is going to be a fantastic school year for them! Having lived the hellish school year along with you last time around, I am thrilled that we both made a switch :)

Cute girls as always!

Kendra@My Insanity said...

So glad D had a good day! Kira was beaming about her day! She says she LOVES the school. So I am breathing a sigh of relief and have high hopes, too. She said that she and D played together a lot, but made new friends, too. Yea, for a good first day!

okiedokiegma said...

I am so glad to read that the first day at the new school went so well. The new school is lucky to have these 2 talented, bright, intelligent, creative, wonderful, delightful, friendly, positive, sweet, fun, remarkable, and good girls among their student population. May the rest of the year go very smoothly.