Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Can You Hear the Waves?

I absolutely adore the beach. If I could, I would live right on the sand so I could hear the ocean all night. The beach reminds me of my childhood, my Grammy and Grampy, my parents and many happy memories.

This year, my dad rented 3 houses within walking distance of a small-waved beach in Eastham, MA. We loved it.

The entire clan came (except poor Todd who worked the week away in boiling hot AZ.)

My mom was in heaven.

So was a certain youngster whom I adore. (I'm an Aunt again!)

There was lots of burying going on.

The guy who arranged all the flights (18 people), rental cars (4), lodging (3 homes) and activities (numerous). He is an travel planner extra-ordinaire. Vacations are my dad's hobby. He plans them with exact precision and at least a year in advance. Love that.

We spent almost the entire week in our swim suits.

Listening to the water, burying our toes in the sand and feeling the salty breeze on our faces.

It was delightful.


Becky said...

I'm having serious envy here! :) I adore the beach as well...and your dad sounds like my kind of vacation person!

Love the photos :)

vtpuggirl said...

Loving your photos! I'm off to the beach in a few days, can't wait!