Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Did You See Me?

When you submit something for possible publication, you don't (at least I don't) expect to hear back from anyone. So when you do, it is such a lovely surprise. And so exhilarating. There is an initial rush to get the artwork in and to fill out all the paperwork. Then you wait and wait and wait. And almost forget.

Then you get a call from your Momma telling you that she's seen you here.

Right in the front of the magazine, the first page of an article (page 23). Not that I have that memorized or anything...

And when you are at the grocery store and you happen to flip open the magazine to your page, you feel a special excited feeling right there in the aisle. And you wish that someone would walk by and you could make eye contact and tell that random stranger that this is your work. But no one does. And that's okay.

And sometimes, you submit something simply because you had extra room in your box and you figure...what the heck? the worst thing that could happen is they will send it back to you unused. (Yes, that has happened before.) And it really wasn't that bad.

Then out of the blue, you get an email from an editor and you can't believe it. You simply cannot believe it. And you kick yourself for not getting to more projects.

And you wait and wait and wait. Until you open your mailbox on a normal Thursday afternoon and this is inside.

So you turn to the back, thinking that your art will be a mini picture in the back. But you don't find it. Anywhere. You start to panic, just a teeny bit. Not much, but...yeah...

Then you come across an article somewhere in the middle (page 75) and you see your name in the teaser.

You turn the page and you get a teeny bit teary because your project is right there. In full color. A HUGE picture that takes up the whole page. And it looks better than you remembered. And the article is about you. And what you said. And you can't believe it.

You simply can't believe it.

And you are on an art high for days and days.


Aihara Ramintessah Sanchez said...

OMG HUn!!!!Oh I am so happy for you! I love how you wrote this post.Very very true!I can relate.Lol! But your works are amazing so no doubt they would gonna publish it. Congrats!!!Doing the happy dance here.

Lucy Edson said...

Woohoo!!! Yay, Beth! I am so excited for you, my friend!!

You are right, nothing quite like it!! Enjoy the glow! :) You totally deserve it!

Kendra@My Insanity said...

Congrats!!! I would be so excited, and probably go around showing everyone! Enjoy your high! You deserve it!

Diana Waite said...

Bethany I DID see you in CK!! And another magazine too! ROCKSTAR! :)

Jeni Boisvert said...

lol Bethany, love the way you wrote this blog entry! It made me giggle, it is exciting, and there is nothing like that feeling! congrats!!

Peggy said...

congratulations Bethany, I'm soooo happy for you! I loved the way you wrote this post as well, I had a huge smile on my face the whole time! Enjoy it, you soooo deserve it!
xxx Peggy

Unknown said...

Congrat, Bethany!!! You so deserve it. And that it was a surprise makes it all the more special. I will be running out to pick up that Creating Keepsakes mag.

Janene said...

Congrats! That is awesome but so well deserved. You work is amazing. You should be a permanent fixture in the magazines. :) Best of luck

Ania said...

How wonderful - congratulations!! :) :)

Becky said...

I'm still feeling all giddy inside!!! Did you get my phone message? Would it be OK for me to now introduce myself as "Becky, the friend of the famous Bethany Kartchner"?!! :)

Woohoo!!! YOU ROCK!!!

Kaitlyn said...

Yay Beth!!!!! Congratulations, that is so exciting and I am super happy for you!!! I need to go pick up a copy of Ck now, just so I can have a copy with your work in it!
I so wished we lived closer so your talent and creativity could rub off on me a little bit!

papertrails leaver said...

I just bought the "green" mag and let me say, I love it! I was so tickled to stumble upon your website and discover your work! Congrats on the publishings!

tricia said...

So happy for you your description of the whole experience. Must have been amazing!!!

Mireille said...

oh my goodness girl!!! SOOOO well deserved!!! didn't see it yet but I will... it always takes a while before it reaches the netherlands!! YOU ROCK!

Marit said...

HUGE CONGRATS Bethany! It is soooo well deserved! I've never had that experience (yet?) but I would be walking on clouds too... and your projects look wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous (as always!)

Dalovely Damanda said...

aww, cool is that?!? SO happy for you, congrats!!!

Alaina Stevens said...

I was wondering if you could tell me how to make the flowers that are in Green Craft Magazine? I saw them here and thought they'd make great center pieces for my wedding.

Shemaine Smith said...

Oh YES I did see you!!! And I was thrilled for you!!!! Congratulations!!!

erin yamabe said...

congratulations!!! that is wonderful news:)
it is quite something seeing your work in print!

Unknown said...

wohoo, congrats hun xx