Friday, July 31, 2009


Sometimes meeting the constant needs of 5 little ones exhausts me completely by...oh...1:30 PM. Especially during weeks back from vacation when the laundry piles are thick, the school supplies are incomplete, the housework is expanding, sweeties are sick, deadlines are looming and my own personal needs are washed away in the chaos of living.

That is why when D was born 8 years ago, I instituted a very strict naptime. Everyone must be quiet on their bed for at least an hour every afternoon. If it has been an especially rowdy morning, it is longer. This allows all those small and larger bodies to gather their thoughts, read or sleep.


In silence.

Ahhh...blessed naptime.

How I do love thee.


ANAT S said...

HI Bethany
I saw your lo in september 09 "creating keepsakes" issue and I was inspired by your jurnaling style

I wuold be very happy if you can see what I made

thanks for great inspiration

Amy said...

Awww, I love naptime too. And that is a beautiful picture! So sweet!

ANAT S said...

thanks Bethany for your comment in my blog

my banner is a part of wall painting I paint at the elementary school where my children study

here is the whole painting

eMeLiNe Seet said...

u are one amazing woman, Bethany.
5 little blessings - i don't even think i can manage ! ;)