Friday, July 10, 2009

More CHA Projects

Here's the rest of my projects for My Little Shoebox's booth at CHA.

The first is Zoey showing off her cool-dude moves.

A close-up of what I did with the background.

A very simple card. Totally loving those trees.

Another card. A bit more work involved with this one. I used the white transparencies from MLS and painted over them. If you do this, make sure that you paint on the printed side.

And finally, my project. The clear acrylic background is from Clear Scraps. This picture of Elyssa is just so funny. It was taken by my friend Sara Jarvie.

Just to let you know...I'll be taking a bit of a blogging break for the rest of July. I need a little vacation to refuel my creative spirit. So I'll see you again in August!


Anonymous said...

I love all of your projects! They're all so different. And I love the photo of your daughter, my little girl is alway making funny moves too!


Diana Waite said...

these are BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy your break!

Donna said...

You have such a wonderful creative inspiring. Thanks for sharing & enjoy the rest of your month.

Mireille said...

such cool layouts!!

Staci Taylor said...

absolutely gorgeous work, bethany! i especially love that painted card! enjoy your blogging break - we'll miss you!

Shemaine Smith said...

Love our projects!!! I'll miss you so come back soon!

Georgana Hall said...

You are so talented! I love the stitching on the first layout! I am having a summer blog hop at the Adornit blog & I'd love for you to particpate. Email me for more info

Ania said...

Love the first layout and the card!! HOpe everything is well with you and your family! :)