Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Shoe Shopping

Shoe shopping with small people ain't always pretty. Sometimes it can be crazy-exhausting , but I've found that if I am systematic in my approach, things go a lot smoother. In our family, there are 4 tests to verify Goodness in shoes.

Let me illustrate with a short real-life example.

Me: Okay, Cam, which one do you like? Okay...put them on. Now stand up and let me feel your toes. (I do that thumb thing to make sure there is enough wiggle room. I pretend like I know what I'm doing on this test. It all seems a bit relative.) Alright Sir, walk down the aisle. Now run back. Great. You are definitely running faster now. Now jump. Yep. You are totally higher than before. Great. Do they feel good? Great. Put them back in the box and let's check out.

Zoey: (a little whiny) Mom. You didn't ask me and Dani to jump. You only smashed our big toe with your thumb and had us walk and run.

Me: Oh. Oops. I guess you need to get your new sneakers on again, huh?

Zoey and Danika in unison: Yeah (putting new shoes on)

Me: Okay. Now jump. Oh yeah. You are definitely jumping higher. Let me see all of you run again. Wow. That is quite impressive. Alright, I think we're done. Let's go.

In summary: Shoe Goodness is dependant on passing the following tests:
1. Smash big toe with thumb
2. Walk without tripping
3. Run faster than before
4. Jump higher than before

It's all pretty scientific, I know. I suggest you write it all out on a 3x5 card to keep in your purse. You can laminate it too, if that helps.


Shane, Meg, CJ, RJ, and AL said...

So cute! You made me giggle too!

Donna said...

too funny. My son has to put new sneakers on as soon as we leave the store & then proceeds to run sprints while I count so he can show me how "fast" his new shoes are.

Diana Waite said...

great moms think/do alike! :)

Marit said...

Hilarious.... 'cause my sun has size "giant" now... but uhhhmmm, I went for new sneakers with him and he DID THE SAME without me asking... like the jumping and the running (and he's BIG over my head!!!) Maybe HE has such a card in his pocket already??? (I'll check!)

Marilyn (Marimom) said...

So cute Beth...it's true though, all those things work in getting them the best shoes!! :o)
Hug all those little runners and jumpers for Aunt Marilyn!

Dalovely Damanda said...

ok, you are too cute!

Staci Taylor said...

Heheha, you crack me up, girl! I'll be sure to follow your steps the next time I take the kids shoe shopping ;-)

tricia said...

very cute little shoe tradition. adorable dialogue!

Sara Jarvie said...

You are a wonderful blogger! and this is really funny.