Monday, June 29, 2009

Beauty Rituals

All of my sisters and sisters-in-law are gorgeous. Seriously. They are not only beautiful, but they all have amazing style. Walking down the street with them is like being in a fashion show. It is unreal.

So when Aunt Jessica came to visit a few weeks ago, Lyssie, who is quite the little style-maven of her own, followed her around and studied her every move. Because as everyone knows, a beautiful Aunt is just the coolest thang, evah. (And yes, I followed her around too.)

After Jessica left, I noticed that Lyssie started spending inane amounts of time brushing her hair with a little pink brush. She was obsessed with this brush. No one could touch it especially Cam and baby Quinn. She also started sleeping with her beloved brush as well as a pink toy hair dryer.

One night as I chatted with her before bed, I told her how pretty her hair looked and I told her that I could tell that she was working very hard on it. And she replied in a very serious tone. "Yes, I comb my hair so it will grow. I want my hair to be long like Jessica."

Keep on combing, kid.


Diana Waite said...

that is SO sweet! DEFINITELY a scrapbooking moment! :)

Anonymous said...

So SWEET, I am very flattered... I love that girl!!! :)


okiedokiegma said...

Where can I find one of those magic pink brushes? LYTM Miss Lyss!