Friday, June 19, 2009

Growing Up Way Too Fast

Sometimes when I look at my children from afar, I'm shocked at how grown up they seem. Yes, I know that they are all still very little (under 8 years old), but for some reason I still see them as toddlers and babies and it is crazy for me to see two girls and a boy along with a toddler and baby. I guess I just thought that it wouldn't go so very fast. I thought that the years would string together forever. Instead it seems as though the string is attached to a fishing rod and it just keeps reeling faster and faster.

I did this layout to document these feelings that I'm assuming all mothers have. After all, I remember very clearly all the adults in my childhood talking about how grown-up I was getting. How they couldn't believe how big I was. As I child, I found such talk somewhat annoying. I wanted to say, "Of course I'm growing up! Did you expect me to stay little forever? Come on people, get over it!" Time seemed slower as a child. School years were endless. The month before Christmas was the longest month in the year. However, now as an adult, time is so much faster. (I swear December is hands-down the shortest month in the year. And didn't they just start school yesterday? Can it already be the summer?) I now understand why the adults in my youth continually discussed my growth. They were expressing surprise. Not that they are shocked that was growing, but that how fast it all seemed. Now, I'm one of those annoying adults who is continually saying how fast each child grows and how I can't believe it.

Anyway, back to the layout...

I've got a motif going right now of using the children's hands in my artwork. It's like I can't get enough of it. (I do hope I'm not boring you!) So here is another one using C's hands. I love his chubby fingers and thick palms. Such a contrast to my girls' hands. My daughters' hands are like mine. Long fingers, thinner palms, but C's are like Todd's: shorter fingers, big strong palms. I only hope that C will use his hands for as much good as his father has in his life.

Boy, I am sidetracked today...

My journaling.

A close-up of my picture block and painting.

Materials: My Little Shoebox pattern paper and mini alphabet stickers, Sharpie pen, Prismacolor colored pencils, acrylic paint, buttons, embroidery floss

This layout is my response to the Lotus Paperie challenge to use a lot of negative space. The other interpretations by the DT are inspirational too. Well worth checking out.

Have a wonderful day! We are off to the library this morning. The sweeties have been reading like crazy and are completely off-the-wall excited to go. Seriously. C was up and dressed and downstairs at 6 AM so that he wouldn't miss the library that opens at 11 AM. (giggle...) Better get going...


Valerie said...

Bethany, this LO is awesome. The idea of having these little hands printed is spectacular! Great memories! I’ll scraplift for sure, if you don't mind.

erin said...

just love your style!
have a great weekend!

Becky said...

Beth, this is an amazing LO! I love all the white space...and I love how it seems very different from your other LOs and yet it is still so "you" and so spectacular!

Thanks for calling this morning--it was much-needed :)

Marit said...

I love this one soooo much, especially the journaling... I'm gonna scraplift (or "textlift") a line from it, if it's OK with you?!