Wednesday, June 17, 2009


A year ago, I took the kiddos to the World Wildlife Zoo, which in my opinion, is one of the coolest zoos ever. You can feed the giraffes and tropical birds and there are active and fun animals. (aka tigers that aren't sleeping!) Plus, the cages are really close so you are within 4 feet of a lion. It is really amazing.

Anyway, while we were there, little E who was around 16 months old, decided that she wanted to get even closer to the animals. Before I knew it, she was climbing over the barriers. When I told her to get down this instant, she looked at me and laughed. That was when I knew in my mother heart that she would be trouble. And I was right. The girl is always getting into some type of predicament. Sometimes, I have to turn my head while in the throes of discipline because my giggles need to escape.

So I did this page in memory of that first indication of trouble-up-ahead.

My journaling.

Loads of cutwork here. All those flowers were cut out and placed.

Materials: Bazzil cardstock, Making Memories paint, Sharpie pen and everything else is My Little Shoebox

We just got back from the Splash Park. The kids had a wonderful time playing with friends while I chatted with one of my good friends. Fun was had by all, except Q who seems a bit out-of-sorts today. Perhaps he's teething again? Poor dear.

Despite that, I'm feeling especially good because I finally got a walk in this morning. I've been wanting to start exercising again after a major hiatus. (I won't go into specifics, too shameful for public knowledge.) Unfortunately, however, Q has been a major early-bird-riser this week and has prevented me from being able to leave the house (he isn't a very happy stroller boy.) It felt so good to be using my muscles again and to be outside in the early morning quiet. I really love that time of day. When the world is still waking up and everything is fresh and new. It is a wonderful time for me to gather my thoughts and gear up for the activity of the day. I can't wait for tomorrow. Thinking sleeping baby thoughts...


Aihara Ramintessah Sanchez said...

LOvely layout hun!!You always inspire me.

Lucy Edson said...

Beautiful, Beth!! Glad you got a chance to get out and walk, it is so hard to find time for yourself! :)

Staci Taylor said...

This is so adorable, love all the cutwork! And yep, sounds like you're in trouble ;-) We love going to the splashpark too!