Friday, June 26, 2009

Because of You

This week's song for Scrapping the Music is Because of You. I did this layout for that challenge as well as for a tutorial coming up on Monday for The Next Step.

Materials: American Crafts pattern paper, Bazzil cardstock, My Little Shoebox letter stickers, Fontwerks stamp, sharpie pen, buttons and machine and thread

I tried a few new things on this one. Like this rolled paper. I think it adds interesting dimension, but would be a beast to place in a binder. Guess this one is going up on the wall.

Those flowers are going to be my tutorial on The Next Step. I love the dimensional curl. Really cool. Surprisingly, they would be fine in a binder because they are pretty tough.

Yesterday, D (the subject of the above layout) had a milk challenge at the allergist's office. A milk challenge is when the doctor gives increasingly larger doses of cow milk to a child to see if she is still allergic. The test is about 3 1/2 hours long because they start out with 1 ml and work up to 1 1/2 cups of milk on the last dose. D made it through the entire test without any problems. Yeah! She was declared safe. But then, we were on our way out when she vomited into the garbage can. Twenty minutes later, she had hives on her face and back. After an epinephrine shot she felt much better. Poor girl. So, the doctor and I decided that milk is still a big no-no. We'll repeat the same test in a year. Bummer.

Needless to say, we were at the doctor's office almost all day long. Boy, were we glad to get out of there! All the kids behaved wonderfully. I was so proud of them. It isn't easy for an adult to sit in a small room for hours and hours let alone a 7, 6, 4, 2 and 7 month. (Luckily, we were able to watch movies and I brought a billion books and toys.) They are great kids. We went out to Old MacDonalds for lunch to celebrate their awesomeness. I'm such a blessed momma.


Anonymous said...

A beautyful layout. And I love the curls, what a great idea!


Scrapping The Music said...

WOW!!! Love all those flowers and the curled paper! This is amazing!

Julie said...

awesome page bethany love the flowers. thanks for playing along with us at STM.

mandysea said...

Stunning and the colour is so striking! This is gorgeous!!!
Thanks for playing along with us at STM.

Donna said...

very cool techniques on this layout! I love it!!

Kristii said...

Absolutely amazing design!!! Thanks for joining in the fun at STM!!

okiedokiegma said...

I was so sorry to hear that Miss D didn't pass her challenge. Throwing up and having to get a shot...definitely not fun! She is such s good sport about it! She is my hero!

joan said...

Soooo sad. Dani is a trooper. This LO is VERY interesting. I keep seeing more and more ideas here. Great job.