Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dear Chocolate

Dear Chocolate,

I miss you. Very much. Ever since I figured out that nursing Wyatt was sensitive to you and was fussy because I ate too many cherry flavored M&Ms around Christmas, I gave you up. A few days later, Wyatt slept through the night. For that I am grateful. And for that, I gladly abstain from indulging in your deliciousness. However, that doesn't prevent me from looking at you longingly. Imagining your creamy smoothness.

Granted, giving up chocolate has also been a wonderful thing for my waistline. Wonderful. But is it worth it? I'm not sure...

Ah...chocolate...until we meet again. In about a year.



J.A. Martin said...

Ah, the things we do for our kids! I could not give up chocolate for anyone but my child. Hang in there! :-)

okiedokiegma said...

What is motherhood if not sacrifice? And if that is not cuteness personified....such a face! LYTTTTTTTM!

Daniele Valois said...

good for you! We all have to do what we have to do for our nurslings!

McMGrad89 said...

Aww. No chocolate?? That's too bad, but glad you figured out that it was affecting the baby. I used to drink two or three large iced teas until I realized that the Oxylates in it were causing kidney stones. The freedom from pain was far better than the desire for sugar and caffeine. At least you can go back to eating chocolate...Until that day, best wishes.
