Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sisterly Love

Yes, I'm still alive.

And healthy.

I know that it has been weeks since I posted.

I've been so busy with Thanksgiving, Christmas preparations and motherhood that I haven't had any time to think, let alone write something intelligible.

But here goes...

While I was editing some pictures of Wyatt for a mini album, I came across the following picture and knew that I needed to share it. I took this impromptu shot of my oldest girls at one of C's soccer games.

D and Z not only share a room in our home, but they also share a great sisterly love. Each of them claims that the other is her best friend. They simply love to be with each other. It isn't because they are similar in personality either. In fact, they are quite different, but it seems that those differences make them even closer.

I love that.

I hope that this bond remains strong for their entire lives.

Speaking of sisters...when I was a girl, I wished and wished for a little sister. It was the one thing that I felt I lacked in life. Finally, after 14 years, I got one, then after 24 years, I got another one. When my 3 brothers got married, I got 3 more. You could say that I finally got my heart's desire. It certainly took awhile though.

Anyway, yesterday, my brother and sister and nephew left Arizona for their new home in Nevada. I knew that they would be leaving, but somehow I put it out of my mind until it actually happened yesterday morning. I felt my heart break as I hugged my sister goodbye. Luckily, I had my other sister, Jo, with me to help me pick up those broken pieces and tape them back together.

A few years ago, Nate and Mandy moved to California after living only a few blocks away from me. When they left, I was disappointed in myself because I hadn't gotten to know them as well as I had hoped. I hadn't spent enough time with them and I vowed that if they ever moved back to Arizona, I'd never make that mistake again. Well, they did move back. And I didn't make that mistake again. We spent a lot of time together. Especially Mandy and I as stay-at-home mothers. We became very good friends which is why their move has been especially painful.

But I wouldn't change a thing. I'm a better person for loving Mandy. I think whenever we take the time to love, we are better people. It isn't always easy. Life gets busy and we forget to make an effort. We forget to call. We forget the birthdays. Yet, in the end, the effort is worth it. Even if there is heartbreak later, it is worth it.

I'll take my taped-up heart any day.


Shemaine Smith said...

Beautiful post! So happy you are well and the newest addition. Miss your art but I know when a new baby is in the house it can be so overwhelming to get much done beyond household chores and feedings. Sending you a hug from CA :)

Shemaine Smith said...
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Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee that photo Bethany!! Soooooooo precious!! And this post is just touching!! LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Marit said...

Marvelous photo, and what a great and honest blogpost! So true!

FamilyKolbaba said...

You forgot my birthday?!?! :) Love ya, Beth, we'll probably be living in Phoenix again soon. Show pictures of us to the kids so they don't forget.