Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pink Blanket

I can't believe I've never blogged about PB (aka Pink Blanket) before. I guess, it is such a major part of my life that it didn't seem merited. For example, I don't blog about washing dishes or laundry because they seem so obvious. Of course, I wash millions of pots each week. Of course I wash billions of little clothes each day. What else can I say about those topics? For some reason, I put PB into the category of obvious and it took a new baby to make be realize that my slightly older baby is growing up and

might...someday...(gulp)...decide...that...PB...isn't...necessary....(tiny sob.)

Let me introduce you to PB. (PB is sometimes pronounced peebs. Mostly, it is PB though.) PB is Quinn's special friend. Whenever Q takes a nap, plays with the dogs, goes to bed, gets scared, goes out for errands, goes to church, bonks his head, goes to a soccer game, scrapes his knee, needs a bit of love, PB is right there with him. PB is extremely important. As is his thumb.

Sometimes PB goes in Q's ear. Sometimes he just stays in his right hand under his nose. It just depends.

All I can say is that I don't know where I'd be without PB.

The origin of PB is kinda sketchy. One night, in the middle of the night, I got up with baby Q. After I settled him down, I thought that he might be a touch cold. So I reached into the closet and grabbed the closest softy blanket I could. It was the middle of the night. It was dark. I couldn't see very well. In the morning, Q had bonded with that softy blanket that turned out (in the light of day) to be quite pink. (It was actually a gift for baby Elyssa.) That is how PB became a permanent fixture in my life. It was obviously meant to be.

Someday, PB will be a fond memory and I want to make sure that I treasure these moments with PB and his sweet, tough owner-boy who just moved from the nursery into the big-boy room.

(Tiny sob...leading into a bigger sob.)

Time just goes too fast.


Heidi Kelley said...

Bethany, I adored reading this. It IS these little every day things that need to be documented, talked about, and adored. I love it. We have "b's" in our house... and my oldest has all but packed hers away now. **sigh** At least littlest still carries him with him when he crawls...

Jess said...

Yep it will be just a memory and a sweet oldest had a mint green blankie that he sucked on until he was 4 years was so stinky and i had the hardest time getting it away from him to wash. it was his best friend and i was absolutely heartbroken to see it go...only a small piece remains in a baby book. i love this made my day! tfs!

JgWM said...

I love this post! My two boys were thumb suckers and both carried blankets. I am going to have to post a photo about those blankets I have photos. They both had blue blankets, one had silk on the edge and the other one had taffeta. One tickeled his nose with the frayed edge to go to sleep and the other rubbed his eyes it was called bankey. As they got older I cut off a square for them to carry. Magically about 2-3 years old they quit sucking their thumbs. A miracle I say... I sucked mine til I was about 11 years old. Time passes way too quickly. Love ya- Gayle TFS with us

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

This is sooooooooooooo sweet Bethany!! I sooooo think a PB page has to be made! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Marit said...

Thanks for this post! You describe the feeling so well!! I think most of the moms can relate to this.. we all had, or have, a PB sometime in our lives...

Aunt Marilyn said...

Yes, Beth..time does go way too fast. Before you know it those tiny babies are 2, then 20 and they leave home and get married and have babies! I know!! Have watched my own do it and also watched Todd do it too....they should all still be little. All I can say is hold on to them, hug them, love them and enjoy them..even the hard days! They are so precious! Love you guys....

Becky said...

Beth, this is such a sweet post and so "you." Thanks so much for yesterday; I felt like a whole new "me" after our chat! I love your guts! :)