Friday, March 19, 2010

On Reaching Goals

This month, I finally reached a goal that I've been working toward for years. It is one of those goals that I never really thought I'd reach and when I found out that I did, I cried.

I was published this month in Somerset Studio.

I submitted a piece to the Alice in Wonderland call 100 years ago and hadn't heard back. I assumed that it was because I was rejected. So when I opened up my issue and thumbed through and actually found ME! I screamed with joy. Of course, this frightened the poor children sitting in the car with me half-to-death. (I look at magazines during red lights much to the annoyance of people sitting behind me in traffic. It is a terrible habit. I'm getting help for it.)

Here's my piece. Do you recognize it? (It is the heart with wings. On the very top!)

I hadn't come down from my Somerset Studio high before I got this magazine in the mail a few days later.

Hmmm. I thought to myself...I didn't order this...I wonder why I got it? Then it occurred to me that perhaps I had something published in it! And I did!

I'm still kinda in shock over the whole thing. And so happy. So very happy.


Trudy said...

That's so awesome! I'm so happy for you. Congratulations on reaching your goal.

Debra said...

Congratulations on being published! How fun & validating for an artist such as yourself!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

OMYGOSH!!!! Bethany!!! That is sooooooooooooooooooo AWESOME!!! CONGRATS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Laura Spano said...

O my goodness! I just bought this magazine today and was totally admiring your piece (at a red light!!!) I love it. congratulations on the CPS- I don't have that one, but I might just have to go out and get it. One day I'll work up the nerve to submit. Congratulations again.

Mandy said...

thats so exciting...congrats to you...i have have had scrapping pages published and my hands shake as i go thrpough to see where i am...theres such a great feeling in getting published...though i know its not for

Jocelyn said...

So Happy for you!!!! I saw your piece in that magazine!!!

Wishing you a great weekend!!!

Juliana Michaels 17turtles said...

Oh Bethany! How fabulous AND well deserved! Super big congrats to you!!!

Contessa Kris said...

Congratulations on the magazines spots1 Lovely work. I own both of those mags so I'm going to go look at them again just for your work. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. You're sweet to comment on my easter eggs.

Shawna said...


okiedokiegma said...

What a wonderful surprise...much more fun than dogging your mailbox forever and never seeing anything. Of course I am always blown away by your creativity, but it's really nice for your peers to find your work "publish worthy". I'll have to find the magazines for an upclose look. LYTTTTTM!

Casey Wright said...

Congratulations! That is SO EXCITING! 2 times in one week - you MUST have a bit of the Irish Luck!!!

Debbie F said...

congratulations!!!! soooo deserved. I'm going to be picking up one of those Somerset mags!!

Melanie Stanczyk said...

Wonderful news and a huge congrat's!!! I seen you pub in Somerset and even said to my DH I "know" this lady!

I'm sure we'll being seeing more of your artistic skills published soon!

McMGrad89 said...

Wow Bethany!!! How awesome for you.

Kristin said...

Oh my goodness!!!! I am so so happy for you! It means a lot to me too because (and I haven't said this "outloud," but I have a dining room table of work to sumbit to Somerset as we speak. I am nervous, but if not now, when? Thanks for the added inspiration. Kristin xo

Becky said...

WOOHOO! You definitely deserve the recognition, Beth! So, so happy for you :)

Taryn said...

Wow. So very happy for you, Bethany. You certainly are a very talented lady, and it's wonderful to see your work out there in those to-die-for mags. P.S. Yep, totally understand the red light thing. It's better than a cell phone, though, right?

Jessy Christopher said...

Congrats on being published!! I love what you created... you are super creative!!

BlessedinTexas said...

Oh Beth, so awesome and thanks for the tips yesterday!

Love your family shots too - you are blessed and I feel the same way. Now I must work on a family photo shoot to include me as well. Like you that is so rare for me.

Anyway congrats friend on the publishings this week and for accomplishing one of your goals too.

2010 is going to continue to be a great year full of blessings!

Peggy said...

oh Bethany that's so great, I'm so happy for you! You so deserve it, you know that don't you?!!!!
xxx Peggy

Julie Jordan Scott said...

YAY! Such exciting news! Brava!

I am so grateful for the Artistic Mom
's group and the chance to get to know inspiring artistic women like you...

Angelique said...

Yay for you congrats and many more publishing's.

Unknown said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! Well deserved. I love everything you create.

Unknown said...


Colette said...

Oh gee wow congratulations! How exciting Bethany. I came over to peek at your blog.

Sara Jarvie said...

Wow what wonderful news. You are so talented and it is wonderful to see you getting published!