Monday, June 15, 2009

Mother-Child Moments

A few weeks ago I took the sweeties to the Desert Botanical Museum so the older girls could see the Chihuly exhibit. Each child packed a camera (the older three got cameras for Christmas this year), a bottle of water and slathered on the sunscreen.

One of my main points in going was to get a picture of me with each of the sweeties. I realized that I don't have very many pictures of me with each of the children and I decided to change that. Each of them chose his/her favorite sculpture as a backdrop and I held the camera out with one hand and clicked. Surprisingly, the pictures turned out fantastic. I think that I'll frame them for each child's bureau. Really, who doesn't want a picture of their momma right next to them at night? (teehee)

D chose this beautiful blue sculpture because it matches her eyes.

I can't remember what Q chose. The pic is a little too close. And a little squishy too.

Same with Z's picture. Man, we look alike! Is that my mini-twin?

A little too much sun with E's picture, but I know that she chose the pink sculpture, of course.

I knew that C would choose the crazy tree as his favorite. He was enthralled the moment he set eyes on it.

My second, lesser goal was to take a few pictures to frame for our home. The desert has so many interesting textures.

This one is of a fountain at the entrance. I was captivated by the little yellow flowers teetering on oblivion. A few seconds after I snapped this pic, they did indeed fall into oblivion thanks to a few little fingers.

The lines on this one are pretty cool.

We had a wonderful time walking around. It was pretty hot and Q didn't last longer than two hours, but it was still fun. Mission accomplished.


Becky said...

You are beautiful, Beth! The pic with Z is my favorite...and, yes, it looks like you are twins :)

Hope your week is going well...can't wait for you to see my newest little cutie! ;)

Shemaine Smith said...

Ohh I love them all!!! Bethany you have amazing eyes!!! Gorgeous!