Wednesday, May 27, 2009

All Done

I just finished my last two layouts for my Guest appearance at Create My Keepsake. The first one is pretty simple. Much more simple than I normally scrap, but I wanted the focus to be on the pictures of the two kids discovering the beauty of butterflies. My mom took these photos at the Desert Botanical Museum in March.

My journaling can be found around the frame. It just states how fun it was for me to watch the joy of discovery. I love the focus in both their little faces.

The next layout is of E's obsession with bandaids. Every time she falls, bumps or whatever, she needs a bandaid whether or not there is blood involved. Luckily, my dad is always ready with a bandaid in his wallet. (A source of major teasing when we were children. But, now I appreciate his preparedness.)

A close-up of my swirl. I used a charcoal pencil around the edges to add shading and to make it pop off my page. (This is the Product Spotlight at The Next Step this week.)

Here's a close-up of the journaling.

It was so much fun working with Create My Keepsake this month! Their kits are fabulous and the forum is filled with very sweet women. If you're looking for a new kit club, check them out. I think you'll be quite happy there!


Aihara Ramintessah Sanchez said...

Love them all hun!!I admire the way you design your pages.

Peggy said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!! I so love your work! I especially like the second one, that swirl is amazing (I would never think of adding something like that - I really wish I had some more imagination!!!!) and I really like your journaling strips.
xxx Peggy

Amy said...

Awesome pages!! Love love love them! Beautiful work!

Unknown said...

Hiya Bethany-congrats on the new Dt position-well deserved too!

Becky said...

They are both awesome! The "Discover" layout is one of my favorites you've ever done :)