Monday, September 8, 2008

Fun in a Bag

My mother-in-law has the coolest descriptive phrase. He can have fun in a bag. I've always thought of my father when I hear her say it. My dad is one of those people who can find fun anywhere. I remember when I came home for Christmas one year, the airlines didn't put my bags on my flight so I had to wait 5 hours to pick them up. Normal people would have been really put-out by this delay, but not my dad. We had the best time playing around the airport. We went on the shuttles, whistled Christmas caroles as loud as possible (We are seriously expert whistlers. If there were a whistling competition, we'd easily be champions, but I digress, just a tad) we had lunch and when we could finally pick up my bags, I was a little disappointed because I was having so much fun.

He's also the man who in his late fifties decided that he wanted to learn how to kiteboard. So he bought this ginormous kite, recruited the equally old and equally crazy next-door-neighbor and tested out the flight capabilities of his new acquisition in a nearby park. I must note here, that my mother, the realist in the group, was not home at the time. She happened to be visiting me in Arizona. Well, the two men flew 12 feet off the ground while holding this kite and let go. They went crashing to the ground because gravity really does exist here on earth. Luckily no one was hurt. That experience freaked my dad out a little so he returned his ginormous kite and purchased a mongo one instead. I've got some great pics of him with his kite that I'm waiting for the right time to scrap.

Anyway, I entitled this layout, Fun in a Bag. I did it for a Sandylion review on Scrap Friends.

Journaling: My dad is one of those people who can have fun in a paper bag. He find joy in everything he does. It is a pleasure to be with him. Feeding the ducks and goose in Arizona. November 2007. The kids had a blast.

Cardstock: Bazzil

Pattern paper: Sandylion: Las Vegas Collection

Stickers: Luxe

Pens: Faber Castell

Buttons: Paper Studio

Ribbon: unknown

Rub-ons: Luxe

Other: acrylic paint, fabric mushroom from a Dozen’s kit; staples, journal tag is Luxe; paperclip and brads are KI Memories; Maya Road acrylic letters; foam letters from Target

1 comment:

Becky said...

Your dad sounds like a wonderful man...I need to learn to let go and enjoy life more like that!

Love the LO...did you paint the edges of your photos or sand them? I'm guessing paint...either way I really like the effect!