Monday, August 11, 2008

Tagged for 5

I was tagged by my friend Becky so here goes!

Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answers.

The Five:

Ten years ago…

1. I had just broken off an engagement 10 days before my wedding date. I hadn't met T yet and didn't think that I would ever marry.
2. I was finishing up my undergraduate degree and starting work on my Honor's thesis.
3. I was teaching French 101 at Brigham Young University and absolutely loving it.
4. I weighed a lot less.
5. I wasn't as self-confident and I struggled with loving myself.

Five things on today’s “to do” list...

1. Take my sister grocery shopping. DONE
2. Burn 6 months worth of photos onto CDs and clean up my computer files. DONE
3. Finish a review for Scrapfriends and upload it. DONE
4. Blog. DONE
5. Finish a mini-album that is a gift to someone special. ALMOST DONE

Five snacks I enjoy...

1. Sweets
2. Chocolate
3. Ice cream
4. Candy
5. Baked goods (Do you see a trend here?)

Five things I would do if I was a millionaire…

1. Pay off our house and student loans.
2. Have a professional closet person come and figure out my closet storage.
3. Buy furniture for the house.
4. Landscape the yard.
5. Go to Europe for a month with the family.

Five places I have lived…

1. Wheaton, Illinois
2. Bloomington, Illinois
Provo, Utah
4. Tongre-Notre-Dame, Belgium
5. Tucson, Arizona

So I tag....

1. Nate
2. Kaity
3. Beth
4. Margo, yep that's you Bad Girl!
5. Megan


Becky said... it sounds like I have lots of interesting topics to chat with you about the next time we get together (Belgium?)! I feel blah 'cause I haven't had a chance for a good chat with you lately...

you got a LOT done today!

Margaret said...

I got the tag up on my blog. Loved reading yours.

Jackie Plank said...

I love the idea of a closet person figuring out your closet LOL