Thursday, August 28, 2008

Luxe Gallery Opening

Luxe just got their gallery up and it is choc-full of amazing inspiration. I highly suggest checking it out! My personal gallery is sparse because Somerset Memories just requested two of my recent submissions. Luckily, one of the layouts that they wanted was of D! Yeah! She was thrilled that she was finally going to be in a magazine like Z and E. Hopefully by the end of the year, all 4 sweeties will be pubbed. It just seems balanced that way.

Today was picture day for the girls so we got up early and curled hair. They looked so cute when they went to school this morning. Even more important, they felt beautiful. I remember when my mom would take extra time on my hair. I would walk around like a princess all day and mourn when I had to go to bed and ruin my gorgeousness.

One Easter, when I was in 3rd or 4th grade, my mom braided the top of my hair into a ring. It must have taken her at least an hour. I thought that I was most certainly the Queen of Sheba that day.

Here are my little princesses with curls.

This evening, with a bit of postal luck, I'll be done with my August deadlines. (I'm still waiting on one little thing...) It has been a very busy, tiring few days, but I am just so happy! It was wonderful staying up late creating. I loved every minute of it! The house is in complete shambles and the laundry is unfolded, but I'm in high-spirits. So really, I'd say my priorities are right in order.

I can't share too much yet, but here is a card that I recently made using some fabric that I completely fell in love with. I'll have you know that I broke my sewing machine on this card. Darn it.

A close-up of my doodles.

Have a lovely day!


okiedokiegma said...

Too beautiful for words--with or without curls! Love to all!

Jackie Plank said...

Those girls should feel like princesses because they are stunningly beautiful!!!!

Kaitlyn said...

Cute, cute girlies!
Beth, we got your package today, thank you soooo much!! K and J loved their presents and I of course loved mine. It's always fun to get new scrapbook supplies and patterned paper is my weakness, so I was thrilled with my new stash! Thank you for being so thoughtful.