Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Dream Come True

I finally got my computer back and the first email that I opened was one that made me scream with excitement! Toodles, Snukie and Mr. Moonie were all in the same room when I yelled and looked at each other totally in shock wondering what mischief I had just discovered them doing. They were quite relieved, but very confused when I told them my reason for screaming and jumping up and down.....

I made the Luxe design team!And the rest of the team is so amazingly talented that I think that I kinda slipped in by fluke. But, fluke or no fluke, I am on cloud 9!

Ever since I discovered Luxe papers a few months ago, I have dreamed of being on their design team. When I saw their call, I filled out my application immediately. I planned to send it in as soon as I uploaded a few pictures for another deadline. That was when my computer bad luck began. I blew out my motherboard and was computerless for 3.5 weeks. During that time, the application was due. What was I to do? I went to the library computer and did my best, including links to my work instead of attachments. I really really hoped that the Luxe ladies would be open-minded and wouldn't just toss my application because I didn't follow directions. And it worked! I can't believe it!

I'll post more tomorrow. I have a few deadlines to complete and a few emails to send. It is absolutely wonderful to be back!


Emily Adams said...

You rock - your work was absolutely gorgeous! congrats!

Staci Taylor said...

Congratulations Bethany! Looking forward to working with you! Yikes about the computer... i'm sure you're glad to have it back!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to getting to know you on the team and I can only imagine how hard it was to be without your computer. Been there, done that.... it's a nightmare!

Unknown said...

Awesome news!! Congrats!

Rachel said...

OMG I feel like a DUH ME... I saw that Ania made it and I remember reading your name thinking "my gawd.. that name is so familiar".. but I remember you as VERRO!! LMAO

A HUGE CONGRATS GIRLIE.. they are so lucky to have you!!! You are one talent that is going far far far!!!


Becky said...


Shanne said...

Wowwee!! Great job and Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh!! Congratulations!!

I've been busy trying to catch up since we got home from vaca. I have read through your other posts, but don't have time to comment on everything.

The work your doing is INCREDIBLE!! Really, really WOW! It's no fluke you got on the Luxe DT. I love Luxe, too!

Congrats!! You so deserve it.

Miss you, Deb