Saturday, May 10, 2008

More Exciting News!

I've been wanted to spread this news for months and have held off. But no more! We are expecting our 5th baby on November 3, 2008. Isn't that wonderful? We are thrilled, as you can imagine.

The entire family is really excited. All the kids keep talking about it and asking various baby questions like "Will the new baby have hair?" and "Where will the new baby sleep?" and "When will Snuckie move to the room next to me?" etc.

As for my health, I am doing very well. I'm just over the first trimester exhaustion and nausea and feeling very energetic and creative. I've definitely got a baby bump (I never really lost it after #4, okay, okay #3) so I'm already into the maternity clothes. In my opinion, everyone should have at least one pair of maternity pants to wear to such events as Thanksgiving, buffet line and other holidays. And for some reason, I always spend much more time on my appearance when I'm pregnant so I just invested in a few new pieces, bought new makeup and have broken into the jewelry box recently. So I'm feeling like a pampered superstar.

We find out gender on May 30th so I'll certainly be making another post after that exciting event!


Mou Saha said...

Hi Bethany
Congrats x 2.

Kathryn Johnson said...


Lori said...

Congrats again! I don't have any kids but the maternity pants sound like something I could use!

Staci Taylor said...

That is so exciting, Bethany, congrats!! I bet your kids are excited! Love that mini you posted - so adorable!

Ania said...

Am so happy for you!! Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

wow, wow.. happy for you !

Becky said...

Congratulations! I meant to stop and chat with you at church today and the opportunity always seemed to slip through my hands (I hesitated too long too many times!). It looked like your little ones were having a rough time...I hope your Mother's Day ended up well :)

Unknown said...

Excellent news...congratulations!!

Tiersa McQueen said...

Congrats! My son's birthday is Nov 2! That's a great day to have a baby.

Sara said...

CONGRATS!!!! Have you announced at IBSS yet? Maybe I missed it...

Veronica-Disney Dreamin' Mama said...

Yeah CONGRATS CONGRATS!!!! That's awesome news!!


kristan martin said...

Bethany, congratulations! I'm so happy for your family! I know in one of your profiles somewhere you wrote that you'd love to have 8 babied and I wondered if that were really true...looks like it may be! Yay, I think it's wonderful.

Christine said...

Congrats, Bethany!!