Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

I was tagged by sweet Jeni so here are 7 random facts about me. This may be silly, but I've never been tagged before so my heart is beating fast and I'm all psyched.

1. I LOVE hot chocolate. I drink at least a bowl (yes, I use a bowl, like the French) every day. Even when it is 115 degrees outside.

2. I almost never wear shoes or socks at home. This makes my feet really dirty. Big Man teases me about my dirty oily feet. I don't remember why he calls them oily.

3. I am very aware of thank you notes. I make a very big effort to always send one when necessary. And I am totally annoyed when I do not receive one. Especially if it was for a wedding gift.

4. I really don't like TV. Sometimes I'll sit with Big Man in the evening, but I always have something else to do. I often read a magazine, work on my designing or sketch. In fact, I usually read a magazine while I watch a movie too. This leads to annoying plot questions that drive my fellow watchers bonkers.

5. I think that my hair is my best feature. I love how it is a little wild and curly. I think that it is perfect.

6. The first thing I do in the morning is make my bed (as long as Big Man isn't still occupying it.) I can't remember ever leaving my bed unmade for the day. It might make me crazy, literally.

7. I love art so much that it occupies most of my thoughts, conversations and time. I am always thinking about projects and products. This makes me a bit dull to non-scrappers, but very exciting to artists.

Now, I tag Nicole, Jen, Angela, Sara, Mandy (and Nate), Beth, Mara and Veronica.


Jenyfur said...

You sneak! I rarely get tagged - I have a knack for avoiding it. :D :D :D I'll have to get to it this week. Your big man's oily feet comment cracked me up. He sounds fun. I just posted at my blog - gave ya a shout. xoxo

Unknown said...

Great to get to know you a little bit better!

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only crazy one that got annoyed by not getting thank you cards! we are like opposites.. I'm the coffee drinker, love tv, never make my bed and cannot go barefoot1

Anonymous said...

Loved it Bethany!! You're too cute! I call my dh big boy, lol i really should call him "man" since he is older than me, teehee

FamilyKolbaba said...

Uh, thank you Beth for the wonderful wedding gift you gave us......almost three years ago. My family is more of the spoken thank yous type. As a matter of fact, I remember asking my sister for her address after my bridal shower and she said, "Don't even think about sending me a thank you note, I'm your sister!" So, you can imagine my discomfort marrying into a family with the exact opposite habit. Please consider this blog comment as my apology for every time I should have sent a note, and for future times that I don't send a note :) (I do, however, totally agree with you on the hot chocolate thing! I drink it everyday.....the American way). I love you and I'm so excited to live close to you again!

Suze said...

Ah yes-thank you notes! It is very much one of our family's traditions. Even with e-mail, we still send them the old fashioned way!
Are you going to let N & M get away with that random/generic nonsense?

Unknown said...

Going by your pic, I would have to agree with you on your hair. It's great. I love the curls.
I, too, do other things while watching tv or a movie. I can't just sit there and watch. I read, write, play with DS, scrap or whatever. This is why I don't go to the movie theatre.

Shane, Meg, CJ, RJ, and AL said...

I'm so happy that you like your hair. I always hate when people with darling curly hair hate their hair! Obviously, I like to try to look like you (i.e. Halloween). I love your hair, too!

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I didn't know that about the hot chocolate. I agree that your hair is FABULOUS. Secretly I envy it. (but, not your best feature. I like your heart best.) And I LOVE that you think art every waking moment. It's fun to talk about it with you all the time!

Rachel said...

I totally loved reading that! It's the lil tid bits that I love knowing about people.. thanks fro posting this hun!!!

You are now the Rock of Hot chocolate girlfriend..LOL


Christine said...

loved reading the random facts about you! i was just about to tag you when i came here, but then saw this post!! haha! Jeni beat me to the tag!

LOL! i don't wear socks/slippers at home that much either!