Friday, February 22, 2008

What was I thinking?

After a long day of two-year-old issues and home-being-on-the-market issues, Sweet Pea had a special Night of Learning at her school so we ate dinner quickly, washed faces, put on socks and shoes, loaded the 4 sweeties into the car and went to learn. We had a wonderful time visiting Egypt, making pipe cleaner penguins, bracelets and flowers and winning reading prizes. It was only when I was brushing little teeth upon returning home that I looked in the mirror and realized what I had worn . My shirt looked like this.

And in case you don't get the full effect, here's a close-up of my sleeve.

Yes, I had gone to Sweet Pea's school in a snot-wiped, flour spilled, terribly dirty shirt. My pants fared better, but they were also a bit floured. I couldn't believe it. And I pride myself on my personal habit of cleanliness. I mean, I take a shower daily. I comb my hair and wear makeup. What happened to me?

Note to self: always look in the mirror without holding a child before leaving the house.


Anonymous said...

motherhood happened! I love it.


Kaitlyn said...

That is so funny Beth! Sad, but funny! I can't wait to see the scrapbook page you make about it. :)

Unknown said...

It sounds like the fun with your kids was worth the dirty shirt!

Unknown said...

Wait a few years and there is no danger of that happenning because your daughter will scrutinize and comment on everything you wear!

Anonymous said...

I was there. And I TOTALLY didn't see any of that. Are you sure it didn't happen after you got home???

I'm telling you...didn't notice.

And if anyone DID notice at the school function...I'm sure they saw the four kids in tow and that immediately explained it away.

I know that would make sense to me.

It's when you're clean that people are thinking...."Uh, huh. Sure. She must change her clothes every five minutes in order to stay that clean!" ;-)

BTW -- you looked FABULOUS. And your pipecleaner penguin ROCKED! (did you save a couple of pipecleaners for your next lo?)

Ania said...

Hahahaha....gosh!!! Thanks for the reminder, it has happened to me too but not that bad...I think!!! :D

Anonymous said...

bwwahhhaha.. sorry.. that is so hilarious! I know that's happened to me !