Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Snotty Kisses

My baby has just learned how to kiss and she does it with great gusto. I cannot tell you how much I love it. A few days ago, Snukie was smacking Big Man on the face and he told her to be nice, so she immediately stopped the abuse and planted a big kiss on his mouth. How precious is that? And yesterday I was walking downstairs with her and I whispered, "Guess what? I love you," in her ear and she looked me in the eyes and kissed me. I'll never forget that moment for as long as I live. Be prepared to endure a layout on this very subject in the very near future.
The funny thing is that she doesn't quite have the whole kissing etiquette down. Like, she often kisses with a runny nose, leaving a delicious slime on your lips. And she sometimes sticks her tongue out while she leans in so you get a lick-kiss. Luckily, I'm her mother so I don't really mind. I mean, really, what's a little extra mucous and saliva, in the grand scheme of things?


Anonymous said...

i love wet sloppy kisses! she is too cute!

Unknown said...

When I lean in and give the boys kisses, I usually get a little something extra too. They've been sick also so they have runny noses too. I really don't mind either! I love any kind of kisses from them. That picture is adorable! I hope you are doing well!!!!
Love ya

okiedokiegma said...

If I didn't know better, I would tell you that is a picture of #2 sister! So alike...too cute! Any baby kiss is a sweet one! They aren't shared so freely once the baby is older, so take 'em while you can. Wish I was there to share in a few. Miss you all too much!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay.....sooooooo sweet.

And yucky at the same time! ;-)

Mostly sweet.