Friday, February 15, 2008

Has it been a Week Already?

I can't believe my last post was almost a week ago. The 5 days have just flown by!

Tomorrow I send my brother's dog to PA to live with his best friend. She was living with me until the two females in the house got in a major fight and Dakota (my brother's dog) had to leave. Tomorrow night she'll have a happy place to live where someone will love her dearly and be able to care for her better than I can. I'm completely heartbroken about this and a nervous wreck about shipping her out. There are so many regulations with which I must comply that I just hope I don't forget something. And she hates the cage I have for her trip. As of this morning, she hasn't gotten fully in it. I put her food in it yesterday morning and she ate all stretched out with her fanny and back sticking out so I couldn't shut the door. (Not that I had plans to do such a thing.) So I'm also a bit worried about how I'm going to get her into the cage. She's a full grown lab of about 90 lbs. If she doesn't want to do something, it's not like I can really force her. Luckily, I believe my brain is slightly more trained, even if my muscles aren't and perhaps I can trick her in with some treats and soft words.

I think that most of my fretting is due to the fact that I'm sending away a piece of my brother, whom I love dearly and I feel like I've failed him. I know in my head that Dakota's life will be much happier in PA, but my heart aches that I couldn't provide that life for her. I'm sure everything will work out, it's just sometimes hard to see the grand picture when you are so focused on getting that one section painted.

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