Friday, May 18, 2012

Whimsical Cow Sculpture

What happened to this week? I totally lost track of time. So....this week's Wednesday post is now published on Friday.

I live in a more rural part of the Phoenix area so naturally, the mascot of my city is a cow....Right?

Inspired by the whole cow thing, I created this cute guy using Paperclay for the body and Magikote (DecoArt) for the balloon. Magikote is a cool paint-like substance (it goes on like a paint) that you can apply over Styrofoam. It seals in the Styrofoam and allows you to paint over it. Pretty cool stuff.

I tried to take a few grassy pics, but they didn't quite work out.

Happy Creating!



Brentwood Newsletter said...

I love cows! This is awesome. Can you teach me how you did this?

Anonymous said...
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