Thursday, November 18, 2010


I've been down-and-out with a nasty little mastitis infection. However, today, I turned the corner and am feeling more myself again thanks to some antibiotics and a wonderful husband who took great care of me while I laid around for days wondering if I might die. (I can get slightly dramatic when I'm feverish.)

I'm so glad that is over.

On a happier note...I snapped these pics of my newest love before my descent into disease.

The other sweeties are doing marvelously well with the transition and I'm so proud of all of them. It isn't easy to share your momma...again.

Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments. I'm totally humbled by all of your well-wishes and am grateful for your friendships. I hope to respond in the next few months to all of you. (Thank you for your patience!) Along with little Wy, I've got a few more time-intensive opportunities coming up. I'll spill the beans as soon as things are settled.

Have a lovely day!



Unknown said...

Wyatt is so adorable! I'm sure you are enjoying snuggling with him. Hope you continue to get better.

Kendra@My Insanity said...

Based on my recent bout with mastitis, I wouldn't say you are being dramatic at all. I hope you recover in all ways and enjoy your little guy! He's a sweetie!

Kellie said...

OH, he's beautiful Bethany! I am so happy for you, but feeling for you right now. I have never had mastitis, but I can relate in my own way!;) I'm sorry, get better and know I am thinking of you.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Hope you feel better soon! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the photos!! PRECIOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Becky said...

Oh, Beth! I have thought about stopping by multiple times in the last week and haven't known when was a good time...I should have just stopped by anyway with a little treat.

I hope you keep feeling better!

P.S. Wyatt looks absolutely darling; can't wait to hold him...

Jocelyn said...

Feel better soon....yuck to be so sick!!!!

Oh that little one is so precious!!!! Love that little face!!!

Anonymous said...

Bethany, sorry you are not feeling well! Wyatt is adorable! He has the "Kartchner" look. I love all his dark hair! Congratulations!!!

Ruth said...

Sorry bout the sickness....Never had the mastitis but worried I'd get it the whole time I nursed....
your newest is sweet! I just want to kiss him... Hope you will do it for me!
Cant wait for your news~
love to you and your family

Ania said...

How truly adorable :) Can't recall whether I did congrat you on this little bundle (been too long since I tried to catch up on my blogrounds), if I haven't; big congratulations, if I did - well, congrats again :D