Monday, November 1, 2010

The Lovely Bones -- A Book Review

I read this book a few months ago, but did not do a blog book review because I simply didn't feel comfortable recommending this novel. I tend to keep my blog uplifting and I thought that perhaps a negative book review would chip away at my initial purpose of blogging -- to spread a positive outlook on life. However, upon further thought, I, personally, would have liked an honest review of this novel before I picked it up so perhaps you would too. If not, please stop reading now.

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold is certainly a page-turner, but as a reader, I couldn't get past the initial violent act that sets the stage for the entire novel. That scene has literally haunted me (and not in a thoughtful way) for months. I still think of it and shudder at its atrocity and the detail in which Sebold describes it. Anyone who has suffered violence of any kind or who is especially sensitive to violence (as I am) will probably find this novel to be too graphic.

I prefer novels that deal with sensitive topics delicately and later illustrate how the protagonists overcome said topics. The Lovely Bones is not one of those novels. Instead, Sebold mainly focuses on the negative consequences and no characters seems to be able to move past them. After turning the last page, I felt an emptiness and I would not recommend this novel to someone who reads for pleasure and to escape the heaviness of life. (As I do.) This novel will not provide you the experience you seek. Nor, is it meant to.


Rachel said...

I have this book in my stash waiting to be read .. but I dread it after reading so many reviews like the one you just wrote! I am curiously drawn to it though .... !

Will let you know what i think once I get to it! ... if I get to it!


Jennifer B. said...

Oh. My. Goodness! I cried through that whole entire book! My husband kept asking why I was reading something that was upsetting me so. It was like a train wreck, I could not tear myself away from and felt depressed after reading it! Glad I am not the only 'sensitive' one out there.

Amanda said...

Maybe I am a little desensitized, but I thought it was a good read. Poetic. I loved how we could hear the thoughts of the dead girl. I loved the analogy of the sink hole. I thought the ending was slow, but overall very different from other books for sure.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I have often wondered about this book...especially since the movie came out...thanks for the honest review Bethany...I appreciate it! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

heidi said...

thank you for the review. i will be open to finding a new read very soon and am glad to know this is one i can take off my radar.

erin said...

I read this book when I was pregnant with our first dd. She is now 8. And it still haunts me.

ScrapnQuiltMesa said...

Page Turner YES! Violence and the painful memory because of it. No! Thank you for your honest review of this. Real life sometimes is dreadful enough without reading of it in fiction. I will keep an eye on your blog for books that spark happiness and inspiration!!