Sunday, September 6, 2009


My mother-in-law has a saying: I love you too much. Whenever she writes the kids notes or leaves a comment on the blog she always says this in acronym form: LYTM. I decided that this deserved a layout.

I made this one of her and Zo using Marks Paper. Zo told me five different things that she loves about her grandma and I put those in my journaling swirls.

A close-up of the title.

I traced the die-cut flowers and leaves for my doodles. I lined them with colored pencil to add a subtle color.

Materials: Bazzil cardstock; Marks Paper die cuts and pattern paper; Sharpie pen; American Crafts thickers; prismacolor colored pencils; Paoer Studio buttons


Anonymous said...

I just resdiscovered your blog & just fell in love with it again! I just love this lo. I was just thinking the other day that I need to snap more pics of the kids with the grandparents especially since grandparents day is coming up next weekend. Thnx for the wonderful inspiration

Lynda in calif

Shaun said...

I love your layout and the LYTM is now going to be my signature on messages to my family. I hope you don't mind if I steel it.

Marit said...

It's such a subtile layout! Love how you traced the flowers and put just a tiny bit of colour to it! She looks/must be a wonderful MIL and Granny!!!

tricia said...

wow! this is stunning! you are so creative!!!

okiedokiegma said...

Thank you for this sweet lo. But what are the other things Z said?

matg said...

I was just googling LYTM to figure out what the acronym stood for and this was what I found. I think that's a beautiful thing to do for your mother-in-law!

Anonymous said...

My stepmum always says LYTM ^_^
Her and my dad gave me a necklace for my birthday with that engraved in it.