Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I think I've mentioned our family's obsession with Superheroes before. As if we needed more proof, I just completed this layout for My Little Shoebox on the very theme.

I'm sure that D will be positively mortified when she is 16 that I posted these pictures, but luckily we've got a few years still to go.

My journaling.

A close-up of the painted title. This was my first attempt at this technique. I love the way it looks. Definitely planning on doing this again!


Marit said...

Your superhero looks way cool!!! (your daughter as well as the layout!) I love the handpainted title! (I know how difficult it is and because it's almost the last thing you do on a LO, it's scary to do also! Great job!)

Donna said...

I love this layout. I am so loving die cut background papers lately...I did a couple circular pages recently & really had fun with them.