Friday, May 22, 2009

Girls Night In

A couple weeks ago, the big boys (aka T and C) went on a campout. Not to be outdone, the girls had some fun at home. We had a chick-flick movie night, chatted until all hours and slept together in my bedroom.

When we woke up, each girl got her own scalp massage, bath, and pedicure. Let me tell you, everyone looked and smelled like a lily when we were through.

Despite the glory of beautifying, my favorite part was chatting with them as we fell asleep. There is just something special about those few ending moments of wakefulness. Deep feelings are somehow easier to express in the safety of twilight. Little secrets that I'll forever treasure.


Aihara Ramintessah Sanchez said...

OH what a cute photo! Love love to see your updates everyday.bte,Congrats on your AC page below hun!!!

Shemaine Smith said...

Congrats of your AC page!!!!

Staci Taylor said...

Aww, what a good mama you are! That sounds like a fabulous bonding experience - definitely memories that they will cherish! Cute photo too :-)